Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Macie's Spit-up

I took this photo to prove to Macie's doc that she really does spit up too much. It was all over me, her, the blanket, the couch and the pillow. YUCK. Hopefully she can get the same meds Britton got. I couldn't help but post this photo because look at that smile!!


@lliE from FreshlyCompleted said...

Poor girl. She looks so big sitting there like a cutie smiling.

heidi678 said...

Ugh...spit up like that is the worst. Kylie had that with reflux and was put on meds (Zantac). At least Macie can smile about it! Such a cutie pie.

Patten Family said...

Stephanie that is GROSS! I am super glad Shelby doesn't spit-up like that! You have some Toxic Boob Milk for sure!:) LOL.

Becky said...

That's the cutest spit-up I've ever seen!

Katie said...

So cute even if she is covered in puke!