Monday, May 10, 2010

2010 Ehat Family Photos

We just went out into our cute town of Cedarburg and took family photos. Thanks to my good friend Suzi, they turned out great! I probably would not normally have done family photos while I am 27 weeks pregnant but due to the fact that we are going to be sending out a family letter, photo and graduation announcement we had too. Aren't my boys dolls (Yes, Chris, that means you too.)

26 weeks

This is a photo of me at 26 weeks. I know it is not the best photo but my sister has been begging me to post a picture of my largeness. Here it goes sis. Now you need to post photos of your home. :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Britton's Fourth Birthday Party

Britton's birthday party was today. We combined with Lilly, our good friends' daughter. He turns four on Wednesday and is such a sweet, fun boy. He's really been into the movie The Sandlot lately and wears a button-up shirt everyday over a t-shirt but leaves the one unbuttoned just like Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez. Check out this swing at the piñata:
And here's one of the birthday boy and birthday girl. Lilly turned three today but is taller than Britton. Britton's head probably weighs more, though. Just look at his chin in the pic above.

Suzi and I made the birthday hats for the kids. Chris grilled up some tri-tip with Pappy's and some wicked-delicious chicken. The kids had some super-delicious hot dogs. I was the only one truly eating for two, but any onlooker would think we were all eating for three or four each.