I realized when I did the christmas story post that I hadn't posted up pictures of Carter in his glasses. He got two pairs and has already broken two pairs. Here are some cute pictures of him with his stylish specs.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Carter In His New Glasses
I realized when I did the christmas story post that I hadn't posted up pictures of Carter in his glasses. He got two pairs and has already broken two pairs. Here are some cute pictures of him with his stylish specs.
Kids Say the Darndest Things!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Look at Carter!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Presidential Race Overload
Thursday, August 7, 2008
2 Bowls of Cereal
Sleeping Baby Britton
Friday, August 1, 2008
Cute Photo of Carter at the Wedding
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Stressed About Being Stressed
Allie wanted me to blog about something. So here it is.
On Saturday Chris and I were heading to the temple when I started to have the worst pain in my chest. It felt literally like a heart attack. I was fine and knew I wasn't going to die from it so we continued on with our plans because we had great baby sitters and I knew the boys would be disappointed if we came home early. I didn't feel like I could make it through a whole session though, so we did some sealings instead. Despite the pain it was great to be there. On Monday I ended up getting a weird but small rash on one side of my rib cage and on my back. So I started to get worried because my chest was still hurting, not as bad as Saturday though. So I went to the emergency room and found out it is shingles. I guess It is induced by stress. So now on top of being tired and in pain, I'm apparently stressed. Now I'm stressed about being stressed. AHHHHH.
I do have to say some good things come out of pain and sickness. Yesterday. My good friend and neighbor Sherry Rosengren came over about 10:30 and handed me a good magazine and took my kids without being asked. THANKS!
On Saturday Chris and I were heading to the temple when I started to have the worst pain in my chest. It felt literally like a heart attack. I was fine and knew I wasn't going to die from it so we continued on with our plans because we had great baby sitters and I knew the boys would be disappointed if we came home early. I didn't feel like I could make it through a whole session though, so we did some sealings instead. Despite the pain it was great to be there. On Monday I ended up getting a weird but small rash on one side of my rib cage and on my back. So I started to get worried because my chest was still hurting, not as bad as Saturday though. So I went to the emergency room and found out it is shingles. I guess It is induced by stress. So now on top of being tired and in pain, I'm apparently stressed. Now I'm stressed about being stressed. AHHHHH.
I do have to say some good things come out of pain and sickness. Yesterday. My good friend and neighbor Sherry Rosengren came over about 10:30 and handed me a good magazine and took my kids without being asked. THANKS!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Another Baby?
C: I like the Thompson baby. Hes cute.
S; He is isn't he.
C: We should trade babys.
S: Wouldn't you miss Britton?
C: Uhhhhhhhh.........Lets just borrow the Thompsons baby.
S: Someday we'll have another baby in our family but right now you two boys are keeping me busy.
C: Ok. Do you want a boy a girl or a dog.
S; He is isn't he.
C: We should trade babys.
S: Wouldn't you miss Britton?
C: Uhhhhhhhh.........Lets just borrow the Thompsons baby.
S: Someday we'll have another baby in our family but right now you two boys are keeping me busy.
C: Ok. Do you want a boy a girl or a dog.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
So Good She Can Do it in Her Sleep
Stephanie spends a lot of time sewing. She loves it and she's good at it, too--so good she can do it in her sleep. Let me explain. The boys have spilled some food on some of their good shirts recently and Steph had to spend a lot of time scrubbing them to get them clean. She also just got a new bed set for her birthday and is going to cover some pillows to match. Well, she told me that last night, while she slept, she came up with a brilliant way to make bibs for the boys so they won't spill on their nice clothes and also figured out an innovative way to cover all three pillows using only one piece of fabric (actually a curtain panel she got really inexpensively but decided the fabric would look better on a pillow.) Now she can use the other panel to turn into a throw. If she can do all that in her sleep imagine what she can do awake.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Quotes by Carter
"Lets move to Chineese"
"Do you have Clearitin clear?"
"I like it when my footsies are sticky because I can climb the cupboard"
"Do you have Clearitin clear?"
"I like it when my footsies are sticky because I can climb the cupboard"
Sunday, June 1, 2008
OK, so I know I post something weekly about a thing Britton does that just totally throws me off. But here is another one: We had eaten a wonderful Sunday dinner of Salmon, corn, rice and watermelon and I guess Britton didn't get enough. I cought him taking a mouthful of watermelon while I was doing dishes. I know I will look back at this and laugh.
Monday, May 26, 2008
NOT a teddy bear!
Carters Rocky Adventure
Another One Bites the Dust!
This is one of our neighbors who had an accident going down a hill. I just thought it was funny. They look like they have the same disease.
Carter is a Big Boy Now
Today was a big day in the life of the Ehat family because Carter learned how to ride a bike without his training wheels. Chris is such a great dad and it was so wonderful to see them working together. It only took about 15 minutes for Carter to learn how to do it. Partly because Chris is such a great teacher and partly because Carter is smart like Chris. Carter had such a big smile on his face and couldn't wait to get in the house so he could call his grandparents to tell them what he had done. That just made my day!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Quotes by Carter
Carter told us today on the way home from church that he is growing faster than Britton. I asked him what he meant by "growing faster"--was it his height? Or his weight? (cuz he's actually lost a couple of pounds lately while Britton has gained.) He said, "No, it's my powers."
Stephanie: "You have powers?"
Carter: "Yeah"
Stephanie: "Do I have powers?"
Carter: "Yeah"
Stephanie: "What kind of powers?"
Carter: "Super powers"
Stephanie: "What kind of super powers do I have? What can they make me do?"
Carter: "They turn your hands into weapons."
Another funny thing Carter said today:
Carter has been asking to go outside and play all day. When he asked Chris said, "No, Carter, it is Sunday." And Carter replied by saying, "The Church is OK with little boys playing outside on Sunday."
Stephanie: "You have powers?"
Carter: "Yeah"
Stephanie: "Do I have powers?"
Carter: "Yeah"
Stephanie: "What kind of powers?"
Carter: "Super powers"
Stephanie: "What kind of super powers do I have? What can they make me do?"
Carter: "They turn your hands into weapons."
Another funny thing Carter said today:
Carter has been asking to go outside and play all day. When he asked Chris said, "No, Carter, it is Sunday." And Carter replied by saying, "The Church is OK with little boys playing outside on Sunday."
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Spring is Finally in the Air
I am so happy that my tulips have finally bloomed! I have been waiting all winter for this! I didn't expect for them to be this large but I am very happy with the turnout. I've been thinking about something lately: I now like flowers, bird feeders and birds. I know, I know--I've turned into an old person!
Friday, May 9, 2008
My Baby Britt is Two
I do have to say: I love that kid! I am so glad that he is a part of our little family. He brings so much spice to our life! And without spice life is BORING!
Funny Boy
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Chris!
We have had one full week of Birthdays! Britton's is on May 5th and Chris's birthday in on the 8th.
I can't believe that Chris is 27 already!
I saw This on Kinzi's blog and thought it would be fun to do for Chris's Birthday:
What is his name? Cristopher J Ehat
How long have you been married? 5 years and 7 months
How long did you date? We dated for 2 years. Then he was gone for 2 years on his mission and then when he got home we dated for 4 months before we were married. So we dated for 2 years and 4 months, and new each other for 4 years and 4 months. LIFE HAS BEEN FUN!!
How old is he? 27
How old are you? 25
Who eats more sweets? Me. He likes salty things.
Who said "I love you first"? I think we agreed on it at the same time.
Who is taller? He is 6 inches taller than me.
Who can sing better? We're both about the same.
Who is smarter? Totally him!! He is so smart. He knows so much that it just flies over my head. I think that it has been a great blessing that he is so smart because it is nice.
Who does the laundry? Unfortunately me.
Who does the dishes? I hate dishes, so he has always done them. Now that he's gone all the time, I have had to take over, ugh.
Who pays the bills?Again, he has always done them, but that is now becoming my thing.
His guilty pleasures? Comedians. He loves finding YouTube clips of all his favorite comedians. That's really not a guilty pleasure, though. I'm the one with the sweet tooth. He hardly even watches TV. He's got a lot of discipline.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. Only because the door is on that side so I can be closer to the kids.
Who mows the lawn? Him. I've never mowed a lawn in my life.
Besides you, who are his best friend? He and I aren't really groupies. We've got a wide array of friends but our best friends would probably be our families.
Who cooks dinner? I do, but he always insists on taking 1 night a week, just to give me the night off. He's really good too!
Who drives? He does.
Who is more stubborn? We both agree that he is and that's saying a lot because I'm pretty stubborn myself.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me!
Who asked who out first? I got the ball rolling, but he asked me on the first real date.
What was your first date? For our first real date we doubled with his brother. He made me dinner and than we went to see Elf. He hasn't stopped laughing since.
Who proposed? He did, but we had already picked out my ring, so I knew it was coming.
Who has more siblings? I have 5 and he has 4.
Who wears the pants? I have a strong personality, so many of you might guess that I wear the pants, but you would be so wrong. He most certainly wears the pants and is pretty much the last word in our house. He lets the kids get away with much less than I do. When it comes to money he is a conservative and I am a liberal. He has spent the past 4 years just trying to cut spending. Actually, we both like running a pretty tight ship.
What is your favorite thing about him? He is a passionate guy who shoots for the stars in every area of his life. He is a romantic husband and a loving father. He knows how to work hard and stay positive 100% of the time. He's got his priorities in the right place and he is a man of character. I am a very lucky woman! Did I mention that he is a neat freak who loves to clean?
I can't believe that Chris is 27 already!
I saw This on Kinzi's blog and thought it would be fun to do for Chris's Birthday:
What is his name? Cristopher J Ehat
How long have you been married? 5 years and 7 months
How long did you date? We dated for 2 years. Then he was gone for 2 years on his mission and then when he got home we dated for 4 months before we were married. So we dated for 2 years and 4 months, and new each other for 4 years and 4 months. LIFE HAS BEEN FUN!!
How old is he? 27
How old are you? 25
Who eats more sweets? Me. He likes salty things.
Who said "I love you first"? I think we agreed on it at the same time.
Who is taller? He is 6 inches taller than me.
Who can sing better? We're both about the same.
Who is smarter? Totally him!! He is so smart. He knows so much that it just flies over my head. I think that it has been a great blessing that he is so smart because it is nice.
Who does the laundry? Unfortunately me.
Who does the dishes? I hate dishes, so he has always done them. Now that he's gone all the time, I have had to take over, ugh.
Who pays the bills?Again, he has always done them, but that is now becoming my thing.
His guilty pleasures? Comedians. He loves finding YouTube clips of all his favorite comedians. That's really not a guilty pleasure, though. I'm the one with the sweet tooth. He hardly even watches TV. He's got a lot of discipline.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. Only because the door is on that side so I can be closer to the kids.
Who mows the lawn? Him. I've never mowed a lawn in my life.
Besides you, who are his best friend? He and I aren't really groupies. We've got a wide array of friends but our best friends would probably be our families.
Who cooks dinner? I do, but he always insists on taking 1 night a week, just to give me the night off. He's really good too!
Who drives? He does.
Who is more stubborn? We both agree that he is and that's saying a lot because I'm pretty stubborn myself.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me!
Who asked who out first? I got the ball rolling, but he asked me on the first real date.
What was your first date? For our first real date we doubled with his brother. He made me dinner and than we went to see Elf. He hasn't stopped laughing since.
Who proposed? He did, but we had already picked out my ring, so I knew it was coming.
Who has more siblings? I have 5 and he has 4.
Who wears the pants? I have a strong personality, so many of you might guess that I wear the pants, but you would be so wrong. He most certainly wears the pants and is pretty much the last word in our house. He lets the kids get away with much less than I do. When it comes to money he is a conservative and I am a liberal. He has spent the past 4 years just trying to cut spending. Actually, we both like running a pretty tight ship.
What is your favorite thing about him? He is a passionate guy who shoots for the stars in every area of his life. He is a romantic husband and a loving father. He knows how to work hard and stay positive 100% of the time. He's got his priorities in the right place and he is a man of character. I am a very lucky woman! Did I mention that he is a neat freak who loves to clean?
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
The BIG Day

The wedding day was absolutely wonderful! It was a very special day. Linzi looked absolutely amazing and Jimmy looked drop-dead handsome. Together they are just a great couple and I am so glad that they are now husband and wife. They looked so happy. The reception was just unbelievable! Linzi kept me busy sewing the runners, flower girls' sashes, and cake table cloth; making the wedding cake; doing her hair; and to top it all off my friend, Allison, and I sang her and Jimmy a song at the reception. It was so much fun in the end to see it all put together.
They had the reception at Le Jardin--a greenhouse with cobblestone flooring. It ended up looking so great. The food was so good (Pam Lund Catered). Chris was telling all of his friend to take double the food so he could take half of it. It was also so much fun to get to know all of Jimmy's family. We love them! All in all, the day was amazing but the best part was that an eternal family has now started. I love Linzi an Jimmy and was so happy to be a part of their special day.
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