My baby is now 7! I can't believe how time just flies by. It has been so much fun to see him grow into such a sweet, wonderful boy. Some of his favorite things are Legos, trips to the zoo, his cousins, his Nintendo DS--especially Mario games, jumping on the trampoline, and his sister Macie ( I can't keep him away!)
Carter's birthday was a week ago but because Chris was working late that night we did most of the celebrating in the morning. We ate doughnuts for breakfast and he opened a few gifts. He got the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid and a Lego set. It is so cute that he was happy with just two small toys. That night I took him to Micky D's for dinner where a friend met us and we let the kids play for two hours. The boys thought that we both deserved mother of they year awards for staying that long!
Yesterday was the party and it was SOO much fun. We went to Hoots, a jumping place, for a few hours where we had the place to ourselves for most of the time and then came back to our home for pizza, cake and ice cream. But the really great thing was my husband! He made balloon animals for the kids. Chris can do it all and that is one of the reasons why I love him. I think this birthday will be one we will remember forever. I couldn't take a lot of photos because I was either busy doing something for the party or nursing.
Here are a few photos:
This was the pizza part where we invited the families over for the dinner. For Hoots it was just the kiddos Carter's age. It was a BLAST.

Carter wanted cup cakes with ice cream and toppings for his cake. He looks scared to be holding it with candles.

Macie in her party dress and milk drunk. (Thanks Lisa)

Our home decorated. Look for the balloon animals.